Monday, November 17, 2014

R.C. Dinosaur that will throw a rock across the room

Many young boys are obsessed with dinosaurs I have 2 nephews that hold serve to this obsession as well. There is one toy that is by far the best for the dinosaur lovers you have to take a look at and it is "Spike the Ultra Dinosaur" by fisher price. Spike is controlled by a easy to use wireless remote that is perfect for smaller hands. Spike does so much starting with of coarse walking forward. I will list some of the other fun motions he does below.
  • He can stand up on his hind legs like a bear
  • He can turn left and right
  • Blinks his eyes
  • Opens his mouth
  • Throws a rock that he picks up from the ground
  • Neck rotates around
  • Spikes on his back will light up
Now I will list some of his awesome sound effects he makes
  • Roars
  • Growls
  • Snorts
  • Sneezes
  • Sniffles
  • Laughs
  • Says Moose Meat
  • Snores
  • He also plays jungle music
I am thinking you probably want to take a look at Spike so here you go.

                                                                      Buy Spike Here
He is pretty awesome and you can also take a look at the easy to use remote. Now one more pic that will show you the size of this Dinosaur.

                                                                   View More Pics Here
Huge huh?
Now to close this dinosaur will do everything you could imagine and your child will have hours of fun playing with him. He of coarse uses pretty good amount of batteries to operate I believe 4 and they do come with it. I think you can buy a charger which would really help out in cost. I does take four hours to charge though. I hope this helps you in your quest to find the perfect dinosaur toy.

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